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Friday 4 November 2011

Saints row 3

                          Saints Row: The Third

Hmmmm I'm not exactly sure what to say than "If you are not getting saints row 3 you must be out of your mind or you simply just have other things to do..." or just chill out and fill your mind with it like I'm probably going to do now. Well saints row 3 it's not exactly released yet but its meant to release on the 18th of November in the UK. There is a lot of things to do like mod your car and fly planes close to the sea. Or simply do missions. The story line of saints row is just so good it's clearly awesome I recommend getting Saints row 1,2 and if you enjoyed both then 3.

What I'm going to do is just tell you information about 1 and 2 without including number 3 I might add some information into it but if you don't want to know the information and just simply find out in the game then simply stop reading! In saints row you are meant to be a gang member. Well dude! how did this character become a gang member well basically you walk on the street as if you are carrying a lot of money and about to own some noobs. Then a gunfight happens in the middle of the street! Then a dude comes up to you and tries shooting you. Then the boss of "The saints" comes and saves you from being shot. Then invites you to be in the gang. and you do some missions etc. 

One thing I like about games is car modding, upgrading, all that kind of stuff it just sounds so fun and that's what I like most about saints row! It's a shame they didn't have that in GTA IV if they did then I would cry from so much fun. Another thing I like about Saints row 3 is the jobs... the most awesome job is the health insurance fraud... It's just funny laughing at your main character sliding from the hood of the car to the rough grip from the floor...

Speaking so much about saints row reminds me of the awesome features about saints row 3 and now I want it really badly I have to waste time until the day has come... Well I will probably do that by playing skyrim... But I have to complete it before Saints row 3 releases

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