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Saturday 5 November 2011

My short gaming history.

I will be talking about how I started gaming. Well the first thing I actually remember about me gaming is that I had a PS1 for my birthday as my very first gaming console and I just remember playing the crash bandicoot demo all over again. My very first game I got was Driver 1 that game was probably my most favorite game because of its driving mechanics the graphics was awful back then but that was the older generation of gaming.

 The next console I bought was a gameboy. It was a fun handheld gaming console there was a large range of games such as once again crash bandicoot I played that game a lot it was very fun to play since I usually had to go wherever my parents went.

 The very next console I got was the GameCube that was just epic the graphics was epic at that time etc. The most epic game I bought for my game cube was going to be burnout that game was pretty good since I am a great racing game fan.

Then I got the PS2. This is where I started to spend a lot of my time playing games. There was so many great games on the PS2 like GTA san andreas. that game was very fun and there was a large range of things to do when you are done with the game such as fly planes and mod cars and also if you are really bored then you can do taxi missions. 

Now the PS3. The PS3 was one of my greatest moments I wont forget about. I remember unwrapping it and playing Gran Turismo. I was shocked of the graphics since it was almost real. that was a incredible moment. Then I got the Xbox which didn't go so well since I had a red ring of death on it on the seconds month of buying it. 

and now finally! THE PC! The PC is awesome you can do whatever you want. Also I think its best for shooting games such as CoD I say this because you can actually aim with a mouse I think its more simpler like that but i'm not sure about how you would like to play a shooter game. After seeing the epic Seananners play with the xbox controller I knew for sure that the controller was for him. I don't think I will switch consoles for now or maybe until GTA:V releases and another consoles comes out with it then I will have to get a console... 

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