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Friday 4 November 2011

PvP, or PvE in World of Warcraft

                                               PvP or PvE? World of Warcraft

Hello! Just to let everyone know I have been playing world of warcraft for 3 years and I have a game time roughly around 200 days on 2 characters. I play a Restoration druid with an off spec of Balance I use my Restoration spec as both a PvE healing spec since that is what it is mainly for and for PvP since I don't do much of it even though I love it. Before I started playing my druid I used to play a Death Knight since my raiding guild needed a tank and because of the WoTLK release I just was excited and decided to make one it was only for PvE sadly.

PvE what I think about is really different to a lot of other peoples idea because I think PvE is the same thing all over like a life cycle but with a Dungeon, Heroic, Raid Etc. I kind of lost my interest in  raiding over time well I lost it when Firelands patch was out every time I was raiding with my guild I was just getting bored and tired I felt like I wanted to sleep early and I wanted to quit the guild and when I did I still felt the same. As a resto druid I find WoW easy especially in PvE I come top of the healing meter etc and I'm not trying to show off because its true. But sometimes I felt that raiding was missing that little something that we don't have much of these days TEAMWORK. Teamwork is probably more rare than the rarest thing in WoW which I forgot. Teamwork is important when ever I raided it's usually "lol dude ur dps is low" or "ur healing sucks dude" saying these kind of stuff isn't cool. As a hardcore gamer I expect people that want to raid and if someone does something wrong I want them to tell the person "Do the job right or I'm removing you from the raid after a few goes" PvE in world of warcraft for me is not the best thing in the world I would still do it but I prefer having a team full of talkative people that enjoys talking about stuff in game and not stuff outside of the game and stuff they thing is funny when its not. 

A huge problem for me in PvE is finding a guild. When my last guild I was in disbanded I told my friends if I don't find a guild in this days then I'm leaving the game. Which was a good idea since it was so addictive and team eating. More to the point I only applied for guilds that is so dedicated in their raiding unfortunately lets just say they was jealous of my skills and decided not to take me in... Well they actually said sorry but you know nothing about your class and your gear is crap. If they know the meaning of skill they would of invited me to a trial and actually decided to take me in as a recruit because i was topping in healing. No not the over healing.

A big problem in my mind for new raiders is "Noobs" yes noobs what will they do? Because when I was a noob and started to raid I was told to get PvP gear and from then on I messed up real bad until a wonderful guild took me along and helped me out until I left them then joined a even more friendlier and social guild which I really enjoyed but sadly they disbanded not long ago. 

All I can really say about PvP is "EPIC" it's just awesome you can own and own even more It's not exactly a cycle it's simply just use your brain and think of a tactic to counter the enemies base attacks or in arena to LoS the enemy and "pwn the nubs" PvP is pretty fun this actually requires TEAMWORK well sorry but if you don't like teamwork then it's not for you since PvP requires a lot of teamwork. If you ever watched the PvP games which was hosted this year in Poland, Warsaw, then you can see a lot of teamwork in the world of warcraft section of the stream Instead of just sitting there and staring into their monitor and spamming 1 they scream at each other and telling them what the opponents might be planning on doing. This is the kind of action I love in world of warcraft.

Well here's my conclusion PvE can be fun in some ways and bad in some ways what I like in raiding is socializing and dominating other guilds into becoming a top guild. In other words talking a lot and having OP armor. But then there's the bad things about PvE raiding such as the cycle I feel in the raiding and the no teamwork in the raiding. 

And for the PvP in WoW. Well it's good since it has stuff like: Rated Bg's, Normal Bg's, 2/3/5'vs and also the intensity of the action if you ever played 5v5's with crazy people that likes talking a lot well don't think your not going to get a headache in 5 minutes. The teamwork is needed for PvP and if you succeed then it's from teamwork since we need each other in PvP here is an example, Warrior has 5k hp Resto druid heals him back to max health to own 10 other people. 

If I ever start WoW again it would most likely be PvP. Since Rated battlegrounds sound like fun and being so overpowered that you feel like you can take on anyone you want in Durotar or you can simply just walk into stormwind and just kill everyone that tries to kill you but can't. It's just one of those feelings you get after you buy the full PvP tier and a new PvP weapon in one go. Incredible. 

Oh, one more thing. For the horde!

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