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Thursday 22 March 2012

What I think - League of Legends

This game is from the action-RTS genre inspired by DoTA an amazing game this game has been released on October 27 2009 so its been out for quite some time now. I have personally played this game since it became free to play since I really didn't want to play a game I didn't think I would find much interest in but playing this for a week or two changed my mind pretty quickly. 

There are 3 different ways of playing this game which is 3v3, 5v5, and Dominion not so much of big choices but each of them are really good I mainly prefer 5v5 after playing 3v3 just to learn the basics of the game. There are many champions to pick in-game there are over 90+ champions to pick from which makes the player have a big choice to pick what he wants to play.
The objective of the 3v3/5v5 is to kill your enemies base. Each team will be spawned on the opposite sides of the map and to get to the enemies base you must kill minions gain levels and destroy the enemies turrets which is placed in "lanes". Players gain levels and money by killing minions or enemy players which are known as champions. The image below shows what a 5v5 map looks like. The skulls on the map shows the NPC's which can be killed for money and exp. With money in the game you are able to buy items which makes your champion stronger and harder to kill this will make you more capable to kill off your enemies champions. The most important thing about the game is that you don't feed the enemy team which means that you don't die if you die then you will be giving the team money and that is the last thing you want.

You, the player
As the player in the game you will be known as the "Summoner" the summoner acts as the persistent element in League of Legends which is used to track statistics and scored for each player. 

Players will be able to gain experience points and "influence points" (in-game currency) by participating in each match they play. Players will level up when they get enough experience the max level is 30 and each time you level you will be able to gain points for masteries (talent tree) or runes which are used for increasing stats for each of your champions.

Masteries are preks that affect each players gameplay structures in a talent tree. All of the masteries are passive effects since it will be affecting every champion that you own. you are able to re-spec or change the talent tree any time you want when you are outside of a match.

Similar to Masteries runes are passive and effect the game in minor ways. Runes are categorized into marks (offensive), seal (defensive), glyphs (magic), and quintessences (utility 
you will be able to buy runes from the store and to be able to use them you need to level up and gain spaces to put the runes into place.

The store in the game allows the player to buy champions, runes and a lot more stuff just by gaining influence point which is gained for playing every match they play or players can buy whatever they want if they buy Riot Points which can be bought with real life money.

Competitive play
League of Legends is sometimes known for its competitiveness in the video game field. players usually participate in League of Legends competitions to win huge cash prizes but the requirements are quite demanding. 

What I think
The game is amazing! I have played this since it was free to play and I have had great fun ever since games usually last around 30-40 minutes or even longer depending on team play. The game makes the player rely on other team mates which makes it a big game that requires trust. Since I have played this game since it was free to play I have left the game quite a lot of times due to my anger towards the other players in the game not because they are annoying but because they play extremely badly now that I play with people I know in real life I actually find the game quite amusing since the majority of the time we win. I recommend you to play this game if you are into games like DoTA since the game is quite alike DoTA but has a few differences.

Monday 26 December 2011

Duke Nukem Forever - What I think

Duke Nukem... Really... That game was probably the worst game I have ever bought and played it sucked real bad and I struggled to have fun and ended up just you tubing the last boss or mission or whatever. Even though this game is boring there are some good features in the game that I have enjoyed such as the Multiplayer. 

Duke Nukem Forever, the whole story well I haven't completed it but I have finished most of it the story in the game is pretty long which means more time it takes to complete the actual game. I took a lot of breaks from this game because of how boring I found the story. The reason I bought this game is because I was so intrigued in the determination of how the makers of this game has been working for it for years! But other games worked on their games for a few years and I think it turned out 10x better!

The multiplayer in the game is... Alright I enjoyed it but not for long... You can gain levels in multiplayer and unlock stuff for your home such as mini games which I found pretty interesting since I haven't seen this in other games. The way the whole thing works in Multiplayer is pretty funny... There are power ups you can use to kill your enemies which makes the whole thing unfair... really unfair since its so common to find.

Sorry for complaining a lot in this post I just don't like buying games that really do get boring and have my pockets emptied I have played this game for 9 hours

Terraria - What I think

Am I the only one that has actually started playing the sandbox game minecraft because of this game Terraria? Terraria is a so called "2D" version of minecraft (mostly said by people that hasn't actually played terraria) I can disagree on that at some points... and agree as well... Here is Notch's quote of what he thinks of Terraria "Notch: Nope, we're not. It's an amazing looking game, and it doesn't contain any of our code or art. I'm looking forward to playing it"  Notch answered this to someone when they asked Notch if he would sue terraria, incredibly enough he actually approves this game, its a shame that a certain game company couldn't do the same with Mojang though. 

Terraria has both Single player and Multiplayer, you get to start the game by making your own character and sending him off in a random generated (which can be small, medium, or large)
world you start off by making gear that is for starters working your way up to the best possible gear simply by killing bosses and unlocking tools to destroy certain blocks for crafting.

This game can eat off a lot of time when playing I spent 70+ hours on this game without even knowing and really I can say its worth it! it only costs £7.99 but you can get a good price of £2.99 with the winter sale of steam! I recommend getting this great sandbox game

You can also have NPC's in rooms you build so they can help you in different ways such as selling you items and giving you advice on what to do or what you have to craft. There is many stuff you can do in this game you can dig down without falling into lava without even knowing its right under you! If you dig down you encounter a new world with new monsters that do a lot of damage and you can fight a large range of boss which requires you to build up your character to fight them. And at nights you can fight off hordes of zombies and flying eyeballs and if there is a blood moon then prepare for a lot more of zombies and flying eyeballs and at daytime if your lucky, or not so lucky you get a horde of orc's attacking your house/castle or whatever your home base is and if you are lucky you can loot the awesome rocket boots!

Building in this game is pretty awesome build whatever you want! Build a castle, build a house, build anything, but it has to be in 2D there is a large variety of blocks to chose from when it comes to building such as dirt, wood, and a lot more of blocks! If you want to watch some videos to get know more about terraria then watch Totalbiscuit's and Jesse Cox's episodes of terraria 

Friday 23 December 2011

GTA IV - what I think

GTA IV was my 2nd most favorite sandbox game since GTA: San Andreas in GTA IV you play a Russian man named Niko Belic new to america trying to pursue the american dream... but Niko wants to kill a man that has betrayed Niko's squad in the army.

GTA IV has a large range of vehicles like boats, ground vehicles, and different kind of helicopters no planes (which I wanted!) but the vehicles are fun to use and with mods you can add planes with the mechanics of a helicopter if you are really that desperate. There is also 2 other DLC's you can buy for the game which makes the story more interesting because they have something to do with Niko Belic's life in america.

Many of the missions are about killing people making money or doing favors for your friends to know more about the person you are looking for. The storyline of the game gets more interesting over time and you can face betrayal of your friends. If you get bored of the missions you can enjoy the vehicles in the game because of the mechanics in the game.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Star wars the old republic

Hello, I will be talking about the MMORPG Star wars the old republic which will be dominating the World of Warcraft subscribers over time, well that's what I think. I picked this game because I have bought it and I think it would be the next MMO in the gamer's eyes. There are two sides to star wars which is Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, there are 8 unique classes you can pick in the game and 4 classes are split between the two factions. So both of the factions have totally different classes nothing is the same. The subscription rate is a fair amount it is about the same to world of warcraft.

There is also the Pre-order each pre-order will have 30 days game time on them here is a link to their website to pre-order this game. This game will be released on the 20th of December so get this game before its actual date to receive great bonuses (http://buy.swtor.com)

The quests in the game is great and you have a very long quest chain for your class which brings you to new planets for you to travel too. You also get companions when you slowly progress through the game allowing you to summon at least one to fight by your side or when they are idle you will be able to send them out on missions to increase your profession skills. You can have up to 6 companions. The quest's in SWTOR is very different to other MMO's because you are able too interact with the quest giver, answering the questions for the quest givers allow you too gain points such as light/dark side points and your affection with your companions which allow you too buy a large range of new items.

Sunday 11 December 2011

IGA - Best game award

Skyrim has won... A great game it has so much stuff that everyone has been talking about right now, and what makes this game even more interesting are the mods which opens up whole new features for the players that really just want to see new stuff.

I was thinking Gears of War 3,  Dead Island, or one of the greatest multiplayer that I have played this year Battlefield 3 but they all took an arrow to the knee by Machinima. But obviously the best game has to win Skyrim. I'm thinking maybe Elder scrolls will be winning again the Best game of the year award.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Saints row 3 - what I think

Saints row: The third

My favorite sandbox game. This game is crazy it has a good story line as well as game play after game completion there is other stuff to do such as activity's, assassinations, and car jacking. I have spent 25 hours on this game so far I have only completed the story, capturing enemy territory, and completing all the activity's in the game. 

The story of Saints row 3 is very different to the other two previous games in Saints row 3 you start of as the boss instead of starting from the beginning. The story begins by you and your team robbing a bank owned by the syndicate which you don't know about. They are a strong gang that control Steelport which you later play on through the game. I wont carry on with telling you about whats going to happen because I don't want to spoil it for those that want to get the game. It took me about 10 hours to complete the game and I completed it in one sitting with only two breaks the reason for this is because I kept wanting to do the next missions because the game is clearly just awesome and you will never guess what fun things will happen on the next mission.

Aircraft's and vehicles etc
In saints row 3 there is a large variety of vehicles like cars, boats, planes, and helicopters there is also two interesting vehicles in the game which is the VTOL and the hoverbike which is pretty interesting to use in the game the VTOL (Vertical take off and landing) is a jet that can hover and be flown like a plane, if you watched the trailer you can see the VTOL. And also the hoverbike which can also hover and fly like a plane/bike but you can only use the bike in the air so you cant use it for ground. The cars in this game has very different mechanics from the other previous saints row series the mechanics for the vehicles feel pretty useful and fun to use. The aircraft's feels the same as before. Like always in saints row you can customize your vehicle to your liking. You can now increase the armor of your vehicle so it barely takes any damage and makes any dents in the cars. There is also new helicopters once again a VTOL kind of helicopter that can hover and has a Gatling gun on it which proves useful, but then again the VTOL jet in my opinion is better, the other helicopters in the game doesn't feel that much different.

The weapons for me is probably the most biggest improvement in the game since there is new special weapons which I will talk about later. The weapons that are in the game can now be upgraded to become better and more useful in combat. Nearly every weapon is up-gradable (Including the RPG). Now about the special weapons! There are new ones which is air strikes, predator drones, and an RC gun. The air strikes are pretty awesome since you can simply aim somewhere shoot and a rocket comes from the air splits into little rockets and spreads out around the area to kill a group of enemies. The predator drones are kind of the same thing but you can use it if your behind a wall taking fire or if there is a bunch of enemies around the corner, you use the predator drone from the birds eye view you can simply shoot it so it just goes to the area you want it to go or you can control the drone itself. And finally the RC gun you can shoot it at any car and you can do whatever you want with it without you being seen doing whatever crime you are doing, but with the RC gun there is a range where you cant  
take the car you are controlling far. Oh by the way all the special weapons require ammo.

The activities in saints row 3 are alike from saints row 2 so its kind of the same activities with some new ones I'm not exactly sure of the name of it but you have to drive around with a tiger next to you and you have to drive fast to reach max courage by reaching high speeds oh also there are vans trying to take you out which will make the tiger hurt you. There is also a new diversion which is jumping off a building or jet, helicopter, and landing on the target. Doing activities will give you respect and unique rewards you also need to do activities to capture territory. There is also a new activity where you have to find the required ho's and bring them back to the required location.

Initiation station
The initiation station in Saints row is just awesome there is a lot of options to pick from to make the character look like how you want it to be. So if you want to make it green go ahead if you want to make it look like a person in real life then I can say its pretty possible for it happening. 

A new feature added to saints row is the upgrade in the game you can upgrade stuff via the phone you get which will be required to do certain stuff such as checking missions and collecting your hourly cash from the stores that you own. There is also an upgrading section in the phone which will come into great use since you can upgrade your gang and your own health also to duel-wield weapons you will need to buy the upgrade which is pretty expensive but once again its going to be worth it. From the upgrade section on the phone you cant upgrade your weapons which will need to be done in the friendly fire shops through out Steelport. 

Also the executive Danny Bilson says that the team is already making Saints Row 4! And its going to be more wilder than saints row 3 which is hard to imagine if it will be since saints row 3 is clearly incredible.